“Born a Crime” by Trevor Noah

“Born a Crime” by Trevor Noah This memoir was a selection by my book club, and I went into it pretty blind. I’d seen Trevor Noah speak a few times and knew he was sharp and funny and politically astute. But I didn’t know what to expect from...

“American Gods” by Neil Gaiman

“American Gods” by Neil Gaiman I so want to like fantasy. I want to be a member of the Game of Thrones club, though the thought of watching an episode leaves me flat. I wanted to celebrate women’s power in Wonder Woman, but I spaced out after the...

“The Night Child” by Anna Quinn

“The Night Child” by Anna Quinn As a psychotherapist, I worked with many clients who were abused as children. And I’ve read several novels that tackle the issue of traumatic abuse and resulting dissociation, in which the victim’s hurt “parts”...